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Enterprise in the News

City of Enterprise photo

Mayor offers advice

to CJHS civics students

May 3,  2016

Mayor Kenneth Boswell met with civics students at Coppinville Junior High School recently to discuss their ideas for community improvement and civic service. For more information about the special program, click on the following link(s)

City seeks Purple Heart veterans for upcoming ceremony

May 5, 2016

Mayor Kenneth Boswell is seeking to identify Purple Heart veterans in the community. The Enterprise City Council will honor Purple Heart recipients in a ceremony May 17 as the City of Enterprise is declared a Purple Heart City. For more information, click on the following link(s):

Water Department asks residents to conserve city water supply

May 5, 2016

For more information on the city's odd-even watering system and the penalties for violation,  click on the following link(s):

MAY 2016

Wounded veterans honored at annual banquet

as Lions Club prepares for Boll Weevil 100

May 9, 2016

The Wiregrass Wounded Veterans Committee honored about 25 soldiers from U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Transition Units in Georgia at the annual Mayor's Banquet May 9. The banquet treats the wounded veterans who are participating in the Enterprise Lions Club's Boll Weevil 100 Bike Ride and Fun Run. The WWVC awards specially adapted bikes to wounded veterans who have physical issues, and the Quilts of Valor program also presents handmade quilts to the veterans as a symbol of reassurance that they are loved and appreciated for their sacrifice.

On Saturday, wounded veterans and other bike riders from throughout the Southeast gathered downtown for the annual Boll Weevil 100 race. Mayor Boswell blew the horn to start the ride. For more on the banquet and the bike ride, click on the following links:


City of Enterprise photos

Children's Festival in the Park attracts more than 4,000 youngsters

May 9, 2016

The annual Department of Parks and Recreation Children's Festival in the Park attracted an estimated crowd of more than 4,000 youngsters May 7. The day featured games, food and fun. For more information and photos, click on the following links:

City of Enterprise photos

City honors Purple Heart veterans, proclaimed Purple Heart City 

May 17, 2016

Twenty five Purple Heart veterans were recognized at the Enterprise City Council May 17 when the City of Enterprise was proclaimed a Purple Heart City. The commander of the Montgomery Chapter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart came to Enterprise with seven other chapter members to help Mayor Kenneth Boswell sign the proclamation and honor fellow Purple Heart recipients from the Enterprise area. For more about the fun day at the market, click  on media links.

City of Enterprise photos

Pictured, front row, starting with Everett Cole (Montgomery chapter), Jim Bias, Robert Bourne, David Brown, CSM Lloyd S. Ankrum; Jim Cassel, Charles Webb, Jerry Conaway, Robert Green, John Wilkes.

Middle row: Darrell Fell, Dwain Hartwick, John Sherling.

Third row: Pat Johnsey (Montgomery chapter), Ricky Medley; Bill Cooper, Mayor Boswell, Tommy Johnson, Col. Ed Smith (Montgomery Chapter); Commander Vann Daughtry (Montgomery) Back row: Al Miller, Kirk Donaldson, Rhett Marques, K.T. Cole (Montgomery chapter)

Council discusses possible repairs

for ESCC swimming pool

May 17, 2016

At the council workshop May 17, city leaders discussed the possibility of partnering with Enterprise State Community College to repair its currently-closed swimming pool. Mayor Kenneth Boswell said his office has had requests about the possibility of repairing the pool so that it could be used not only by ESCC but the high school swim team and the public.

For more information, click on the following link(s):

Bowron retiring from Parks and Rec Department after 23 years of service

May 18, 2016

Warren Bowron, programs coordinator for the City of Enterprise Parks and Recreation Department is retiring at the end of May. Bowron has served the city for more than 23 years. For more  information about Bowron's work with the city and influence on young people. For more information, click on the following links:


Enterprise Ledger photo

Comprehensive Dauphin Street

rehabilitation almost complete

May 27, 2016

Mayor Kenneth Boswell said recently that the comprehensive Dauphin Street Extention repair and rehabilitation project is about 90 percent complete. The project included repaving, curbing and drainage infrastructure. For more information, click on the following link:

1Kickoff of peak season celebrated at Enterprise Farmers Market

May 21, 2016

Hundreds of area folk, young and old alike, filled the atmosphere with fellowship, laughter and delight as they shopped for home-grown vegetables and fruits at the Enterprise Farmers Market May 21. The special day celebrated the kickoff of the peak growing season, the time when home-grown food is most plentiful in this part of the country. Along with the fresh food available at the market, several arts and crafts vendors were on hand as well as some gardeners who offered colorful daylillies and other plants for sale. In addition, Theresa Forehand of the Coffee County Extension Service presented a program on healthy eating, featuring some of the fruits and vegetables available at the market.  For more information, click on the media links.

City of Enterprise photos

First-responder agencies meet with city leaders to prepare

for hurricane season

May 25, 2016

Mayor Kenneth Boswell and city department heads met with first-responders and emergency response agencies May 25 for the city's annual Hurricane Preparedness Meeting. The hurricane season began June 1. Coffee County Emergency Management Agency Deputy Director James Brown led the group in a tabletop exercise that simulated anticipation of a category 3 storm. 

City of Enterprise photo

Mayor declares

Nursing Home Week

May 9, 2016

Mayor Kenneth Boswell visited residents of the Enterprise Health and Rehabilitation Center Monday morning to sign a proclamation declaring May 9-13 as Nursing Home Week in Enterprise. Residents and staff 

 of the Center joined him in celebrating the declaration, which recognizes that citizens of Enterprise now residing in nursing homes have contributed greatly to the traditions the state and community have come to cherish, and that staff and volunteers who care for resident in nursing homes have built their own unique traditions of providing quality care. Among those on hand to greet the Mayor for the celebration was Miss Enterprise Nursing Home Alma Spinks. Special activities are scheduled at the nursing home throughout the week. (Submitted photo)

City of Enterprise photo

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