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Water Department

The Enterprise Water Department strives to provide safe drinking water for its customers at the lowest cost as well as providing an adequate water supply for fire protection, industrial and recreation use.

The Enterprise Water Department is a municipally owned and operated water utility serving approximately 35,000 residents in and outside the City limits. The Department operates as an agency within the City and is directed by the Water Works Board. The Water Works Board delegates the overall responsibility of the water operations to the Field Superintendent, Alan Mahan. Mr. Mahan is a State of Alabama Grade II Certified Water Operator with 28 years of experience.

Enterprise Water Works Board


Mayor William Cooper – Superintendent


John L. Mitchell– Chairman


Ben Beckham, Jr.– Board Member


John L Mitchell, Jr.– Board Member

Eugene Goolsby- Board Member

Robert "Bob" Dean, Jr.- City Clerk

Alan Mahan – Field Superintendent


Kerry Johnson - Utilities Office Manager


The Water Department draws its water supply from underground aquifers - Nanafalia, Salt Mountain Limestone and Clayton. After the water is pumped to the surface, the water is injected with chlorine and fluoride before being distributed into the system. Water samples are collected regularly throughout the system before and after treatment to ensure high water quality. A Consumer Confidential Report is mailed to all water customers on an annual basis, usually around the month of May.

To ensure that the water system meets and exceeds the water demand, five additional wells have been drilled since 1999 with pumping capacities ranging from 750 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) to 1000 GPM. To assure drilling territory for future wells, Enterprise has merged six neighboring water systems since 1999 - Bethany in 1999, Goodman in 2001, Clintonville in 2003, Battens/Mt. Pleasant in 2004, Macedonia in 2005, and Bridlewood in 2005.

As of 2009 the Enterprise Water Department storage capacity is 5,000,000 gallons. The conservative pumping capacity is 6,000,000 gallons per day. The emergency pumping capacity is 12,000,000 gallons per day. The average usage in the Enterprise area is 4.5 million gallons per day.

The water systems management is very cautious about declining aquifer levels. Since 2000, because of the department's water level management policy, aquifer levels have been stable, with some wells having an increase in water levels. These conservative measures are having a positive influence on the water system today and hopefully in the future.

For all questions concerning water service in the city of Enterprise, please call (334) 347-1211.


Upgraded Meter Reader



Pictures of previous improvements can be viewed in water department's Photo Gallery below.

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