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Offense Cheers

6 Points More

Come on (Wildcats), look at the score

Come on (Wildcats), six points more

Defense Cheers

Push 'Em Back

Push 'em back

Push 'em back

Way back

We Want A Touchdown

We want a touchdown!

We want a touchdown!

We - Want - a Touchdown!!

Take that Ball Away

Take it!

Take it!

Take that ball away!

Up the Field, Down the Field

Up, up, up the field

Down, down, down the field

Up the field, down the field

We want a touchdown

Gotta have a touchdown

Go, Defense, Go


Go, Defense Go!

Cookies & Cream

Cookies, cookies cookies and cream

What's the matter with the other team?

Nothing, nothing, nothing at all

They just can't play football

Anytime Cheers

You Gotta Fight to Win

You gotta go to fight

You gotta fight to win

You gotta go, fight, win!

Drive Em in the Dirt

Hit 'em!

Stomp 'em!

Drive 'em in the dirt!

Fire Up

Fire up

Fire up

Fire up Up Up!

Big G, Little O

Big G

Little O

Let's Go!

Here We Go

Here we go!

Here we go!

Who Rocks the House

Who rocks the house?

I say the (Wildcats) rock the house!

And when the (Wildcats) rock the house

They  rock it all the way down!

A Little Bit Louder

One! We are the (Wildcats)!

Two! I still can't hear you!

Three! A little bit louder!

Four! More, more, more!

Get Rowdy

Let's get a little bit rowdy


Put a Little Power to It

Come on team

You can do it

Put a little power to it!

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