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Enterprise in the News

 January 2018  -   December 2017   -   November 2017  -   October 2017  -  September 2017 

 August 2017  -  July 2017  -  June 2017  -  May 2017  -  April 2017  -  March 2017 


Disclaimer:  The “In the News” section of the City of Enterprise website provides links to local media reports about the activities and events of the city government for informational purposes only. The information, opinions, advice, services or offers are those of the respective authors or distributors and does not necessarily reflect the views, policies or practices of the City of Enterprise, its officials, employees or agencies. The city does not endorse or attest to the accuracy of any information, opinions or any other content expressed or made available by the third parties.

Water system budget approved,

improvements included



Council approves purchase of wastewater pumps

In nod to Olympic Games, Enterprise recognizes Korean heritage that enriches local community

Proclamations praise student groups for service and leadership



City of Enterprise photo

Water Board amendment guarantees rates

for 'historic customers'

Sales tax collections up in Enterprise

Police warn citizens about phone scams

Mayor reads to children at Enterprise Library

Fire Chief Herring speaks to Rotary Club

WTVY Video




City considering new phone system

City plans survey of community needs

Longtime city firefighter treated to retirement party

Mayor William E. Cooper presented longtime Enterprise firefighter Eric Massey with a plaque of appreciation Feb. 26 commemorating his 27 years of service. City leaders, co-workers, family and friends enjoyed a retirement reception honoring Massey at Central Fire Station.]

The Mayor and Chief Byron Herring said Massey's leadership and dedication had been invaluable o the city.

Recreation fee increase recommended;

new Rec Center facilities discussed,plans move ahead

Fire Department insurance rating lowered;

city now in top 4 percent in Alabama

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