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Instructions to Defendant

If you have been charged with a traffic offense in the Municipal Court of Enterprise, Alabama. You have a right to a trial. The date set for your trial is entered on the citation just above the space for your signature. You must be in court at the specified time and place if you do not have this case handled in some manner prior to that time. Failure to do so may result in arrest, additional expense and/or loss of your priviledge to drive.


* If you have not been convicted of one speeding violation within the past 12 months, and are charged with a speeding violation listed below and wish to PLEAD GUILTY and pay the fine and court costs, you may do so.


If you have not been convicted of two or more traffic violations within the past twelve months and are charged with one of the offenses listed below and wish to PLEAD GUILTY and pay the fine and court costs, you may do so. To settle your case by mail, you must complete the plea of guilty form on the back of your citation and mail it to the Court along with payment in the amount indicated. Your payment in the form of a money order must be mailed in time so it will arrive at the Court before the appearance date shown on the citation. Please make money order payable to "City of Enterprise".





















** Pursuant to Act 99-397, effective 6-9-99, no court costs shall apply to this offense


If you are charged with an offense not listed above, if you have had one speeding violation or two or more other prior offenses within the past 12 months, or if the officer issuing the citation has indicated a court appearance is required, you should appear on the date and time shown on the face of the ticket. Further, if you have not reached the age of 21 years at the time of the alleged commision of the offense, then you have a right to petition the Court and apply for Youthful Offender status; whereby if after a hearing, Youthful Offender status is granted, then your case will be treated as a Youthful Offender matter as opposed to a criminal type matter and your record will be confidential and sealed by the Court.





7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. / Monday - Friday

Enterprise Municipal Court

501 South Main Street

P.O. Box 31100

Enterprise, AL 36331-1000

(334) 347-1211, Ext. 2230, Ext. 2231, or Ext. 2280

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