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Where the Wild Things Walk

Where the Wild Things Walk is an interactive walking experience that you can take on your own, with friends and family, clubs or school groups. The benefits of walking and being outside are endless, including raising your mood, better physical and mental health. 

Each week we will create a new interactive walk for you out at our Johnny Henderson Family Park off of HWY 167. You can download the walks here, use the QR code to upload to your phone, or check the message board at the Rotary entrance by the playground for a QR code.


Below you may also click on our color-coded calendar for a printable version. Print off your calendar and make sure to mark off the day you completed the Interactive Walk Challenge and any other days you visited the park or exercised outside! If you are feeling creative - make your own interactive walk to do and share it with others! If you are out there - we love having selfies of you and/or your friends, family, class, or club out there on our trails!

Our park also boasts one of the largest collections of native Alabamian trees that we will showcase as well each week. 

This Week's Interactive Walk: March 03-09

3-3-2019 QR.png
QR to Flyer
March Calendar.jpg

Click on calendar for printable version

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